Come join us this Sunday at 8:15AM, 10AM & 11:45AM
Join us for church this Sunday at Hilltop Church! We are a Bible based, life-giving church in the Saint George area. Come and experience amazing worship, biblical teaching, and a fun & safe kids space! Make check in this Sunday a breeze by taking a few moments to fill out the connect card below.
Location: 1361 E Red Hills Pkwy St. George

Watch the Message
Be encouraged by the Word of God today from this Sunday’s message.
Available now on our Apple/Spotify podcast.

Join us on March 30th at the 11:45 AM service for a special time of Child Dedication—a moment for parents to commit their children to the Lord, for our pastors and church family to pray over them, and for us all to celebrate together!

Hilltop Church
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”


Our 6 Core Values

Our Lead Pastors
The vision for Hilltop Church began in March of 2020 when God stirred Jared and Alisha to reach the people of southwest Utah with a move of God’s presence and power. What God started as a vision has grown to a community of Jesus followers who are passionate to see lives and communities impacted through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Lead Pastors, Jared and Alisha Gregory, carry a deep and genuine fire to see the people of God living out their faith. That the Church would be known for loving God, loving people, making disciples, and letting our faith be tangible to the world around us. To be a people bold in prayer, bold in worship, and bold in walking out a real and visible faith. God has called His people to be His ambassadors, and as we walk in that truth, lives around us are transformed by a real relationship with the real Savior. Jared and Alisha have served together in full time ministry for 16 years at the local church and have 4 incredible children.
Get Connected

Ways we do community
Weekend gatherings are essential and centered around worshipping God and connecting with others. We gather so that we can go out and be that city on a hilltop that points people to Jesus. We launched in January 2023, and gather every Sunday at 1361 E Red Hills Pkwy in St. George, Utah. We also share weekly worship and sermon content on our online platforms to encourage you throughout your week!
Connect Groups are smaller, intimate gatherings of around 10-15 people who meet in person or online to discuss a recent message, pray together, study a topical book, and hangout with one another.
Stay connected with your Hilltop family on our Facebook group. We have fun, we get to know each other better and keep you up to date on all the great things coming up at Hilltop.
Team Hilltop is a group of incredible people who are passionate about saying yes to God and living out the call of God on their life. We have many opportunities for you to get plugged in.

Making a Kingdom Impact Together
Partner in Prayer
God moves when His people pray. A move of The Spirit of God in and throughout Southwest Utah starts with the people of God devoted to prayer. We invite you to join us! Partner with us as we pray for what God is doing through Hilltop Church.
Partner in Giving
Thank you for partnering with Hilltop Church to reach the lost, broken and hurting. Thank you for helping to meet the needs of those around us who are in lack both physically and spiritually.

How can we pray for you?
Prayer is powerful! Our prayer team would be honored to be lifting you up in prayer. Please let us know how we can be praying for you below.

Be encouraged by the Word each week to help you live life on mission.

Follow our journey.
Love God
Love People like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. “ Matthew 5:14