Hilltop Kids

Hilltop Kids is passionate about partnering with families to raise up radiant disciples of Jesus Christ! The Hilltop Kids Ministry is a family-oriented ministry, focused on hosting life-changing encounters in the Lord’s presence through prayer and worship, laying a foundation of faith that will last a lifetime, and engaging families in Spirit-empowered, global mission.

Check-in begins 30 minutes before service, with classrooms opening 15 minutes prior to the service beginning at our St. George location.


During check-in, children and parents/guardians receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags to ensure your child’s safety. The child’s nametag identifies their classroom and a security code that matches the pick-up tag. Parent/Guardian picking up a child must provide the matching pick-up tag in order for the child to be released.

All Team Hilltop volunteers serving in Hilltop Kids receive a background check and do not serve alone.

Child Dedications

At Hilltop Church, dedicating a child is an important and special occasion as parents make a covenant
with God in raising their children according
to His Word and ways.